Its been 3 months since I’ve moved back to India and so far my body has been struggling to adjust to the switch. Traveling is one thing, you guys. Moving is another. I’m just so stunned till now that I don’t have to do EVERY SINGLE THING on my own, which can be both rewarding, and extremely frustrating (I like my coffee a...
Wow, after over a year long absence (except the one post about my identity crisis), I am back! Anya's musings are back! Feels great. I've been MIA for many reasons - mainly that I moved to another country & life happened, but that's such a poor excuse. I am currently in United States, seriously considering moving back to India but let's see how...
I was at my cousin's place a few nights ago and we decided to watch a movie - a challenging task since all of us rarely agree to a single film. In the end, most of us decided to re-watch The Namesake, based on the novel by Jhumpa Lahiri of the same name. I think I had last watched The Namesake some 5...