
3:09 pm

Not that I've been very, very regular on blog but I will be away for at least a week from writing. Because I'll be off traveling this week. Although I must admit that it'll be a bit difficult a thing to do because I tripped yesterday and ended up spraining my left foot (which in turn resulted in a lot of volini and a crepe bandage on my foot). And my packing isn't done yet but that's okay...I still have time before I leave for the airport.

What apart from that? Oh yeah, I got a haircut. By which I mean the minimalistic use of scissors...everybody wanted me to keep the length! Hmph.

Oh lord, I had planned to write so much but as it turns out, I hadn't slept much last night and that's catching up to me now... I'm so sleepy that I'm falling of asleep as I write. I better go now. Ciao!

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